OSSM offers academically rigorous courses. Our courses are taught at a collegiate level. In fact, all courses utilize collegiate textbooks. Students’ class schedules have at least seven academic courses, fine arts and physical education, each semester.
A University-type schedule is followed. Classes meet Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for 50 Minutes or Tuesdays and Thursdays for 75 minutes; Science laboratories meet weekly for two- to four-hour sessions.
OSSM students participate in mentorship and internship opportunities that are available to students in their junior and senior years. Approximately 60 percent of seniors participate in mentorships with practicing researchers; special mentorship programs are also available for select juniors.
OSSM prepares students to get admitted to their first choice college or university and opens doors to new and additional college scholarship opportunities.
OSSM provides students with necessary study skills to successfully complete college. We have also seen that the rigorous OSSM courses also help to shorten the number of courses that students need to graduate from college.
Currently more than 90% of the faculty hold a Doctorate in their academic discipline. Our faculty emphasize an “Open-Door” policy for tutorial help, and one-on-one help. In addition, each professor spends one evening per week in the Great Hall in support of students’ required study time. Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics classes all feature regular help sessions.
For the past three years, OSSM has been named the leading public and STEM high school in Oklahoma, and the 20th of 19,984 in the nation.