Farai Mazhandu, M.S., Colorado School of Mines
Shayne Johnston, Ph.D., Princeton University
Josh Stewart, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University
This course introduces students to basic concepts of mechanics, electricity and magnetism, waves, and optics and lays the foundation for further physics courses. Laboratory sessions introduce students to procedures for data collection, analysis, and report writing.
This course presents a calculus-based treatment of standard topics in mechanics: one- and two-dimensional motion, Newton’s laws, work and energy, impulse and momentum, rotational motion, equilibrium, gravitation, and periodic motion. Laboratory is included.
Prerequisites: General Physics. Recommended: Calculus I taken concurrently.
This course presents a calculus-based treatment of standard topics in electricity and magnetism: electric charge, field, and potential; Gauss’ Law, capacitance, current and resistance, DC circuits, magnetic fields and forces, induction and inductance. Laboratory is included.
Prerequisites: Mechanics. Recommended: Calculus I completed. A student concurrently enrolled in Mechanics may take this course with instructor’s permission.
This course presents a calculus-based treatment of elasticity, fluid physics, laws of thermodynamics, kinetic theory of matter, heat transfer, entropy, properties of waves, sound, electromagnetic waves and light, geometric optics, polarization, interference, and diffraction. Laboratory is included.
Prerequisites: Electricity and Magnetism. Recommended: Calculus II taken concurrently.
This course presents a calculus-based treatment of fundamental physics topics that ushered in the twentieth-century: postulates of special relativity, the Lorentz transformation, relativistic momentum and energy, concept of quantization, Bohr-Rutherford atom, wave-particle duality, and the Schrodinger equation. Laboratory is included.
Prerequisites: Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism. Recommended: Calculus II completed.
This course presents topics in twentieth-century physics leading to the modern age: the hydrogen atom, quantum statistics, atomic and molecular structure, condensed matter physics, nuclear physics, particle physics, and modern astrophysics. Emphasis is on the conceptual understanding of quantum physics and on performing calculations of accessible quantities.
Prerequisites: Modern Physics I
This course presents an overview of electronics, emphasizing both theoretical knowledge and actual construction of circuits. Topics include pn-junction theory, semiconductor diodes, bipolar junction transistors, transistor circuits, small-signal amplifiers, operational amplifiers, oscillator circuits, filtering circuits, and field effect transistors. Laboratory sessions require students to construct, test, and troubleshoot projects of their own design.
Prerequisites: Electricity and Magnetism.
This course presents a descriptive overview of modern astronomy plus quantitative coverage of selected issues. Topics include constellations and the sky, telescopes and detection systems, motion of the earth and moon, classical astronomy, the solar system, the sun and stars, stellar evolution, the Milky Way and galaxies, cosmology, and life in the universe.
Prerequisites: Electricity and Magnetism.
This course presents a selection of advanced undergraduate material in the areas of mechanics and electromagnetism. Topics in mechanics may include Lagrangian and Hamiltonian theory, non-inertial frames, central force motion, rigid body rotation, oscillating systems, and an introduction to general relativity and black holes. Topics in electricity and magnetism may include electrostatics, multipole fields, Maxwell’s equations, vector potential, magnetic materials, electromagnetic waves, and radiating systems.