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Named in honor of Oklahoma State Senator Bernice Shedrick, one of the authors of the legislation that created the school, the Senator Bernice Shedrick Library supports the teaching and research needs of the faculty and students of OSSM.
The Shedrick Library began service to students and faculty in January 1992 when the school moved into its first building on North Lincoln. Collection development began earlier when the OSSM inaugural class entered as juniors. In 2003, the entire library collection was moved into the newly constructed library building. The Library is spacious and provides a quiet atmosphere conducive to study and research.
The Library building is the focal point of the OSSM campus and the first building that visitors see when they enter through the main gate. The library features a boardroom, conference room, 14 administrative offices, media production room, classroom, campus computer center, security office, and space for 50,000 volumes of books and texts. Occasionally, the library accommodates students and parents during special events. It also allows community groups and businesses to gather for meetings and presentations.
The Shedrick Library is comprised of a large collection of circulating print materials as well as electronic resources for in-library and online use. The JSTOR Archive and EBSCO Periodical Databases provide bibliographic access to the leading digital repositories of academic and scholarly literature. The Oklahoma Library community including universities and public libraries provide generous support to OSSM students through local collection access privileges and inter-library loan services.
The Library utilizes inter-library loan relationships with major lending libraries across the United States through OCLC (online computer library center for libraries to catalog, locate and lend library materials) and DOCLINE (the National Library of Medicine’s automated inter-library loan (ILL) request routing and referral system) to process research requests. These relationships plus the OSSM Library’s cooperative membership in the AMIGOS Consortium provides a wide access to academic and scholarly literature residing in various libraries throughout the United States. This greatly expands the resources available to students in preparation of their research papers as well as students involved in mentorships in all subject areas including the medical field.
The Shedrick Library offers a full range of information literacy services to OSSM students including locating and using print and digital resources, designing research strategies, evaluating sources, and documenting sources in the correct citation format. The library provides instructional guidance in the preparation of student research papers and completion of student library assignments through individual reference assistance and group instruction in research methods and procedures. The Senator Bernice Shedrick Librarians are committed to teaching students to be active, effective, and ethical users of information.