The job of the Office of the Registrar is to ensure that all students, from their first semester through graduation, are appropriately enrolled in courses that the school maintains accurate and up-to-date records of all OSSM students, both past and present, and that students and alumni have access to transcript services and verifications as necessary.
To support students’ academic exploration, development, and progress, the Office of the Registrar welcomes students’ questions about the student 6-week, 12-week and final grade reports and supports faculty in their role as academic advisors.
A permanent academic record of courses and grades is prepared for each student who registers in the academic programs of OSSM. A comprehensive transcript of the student and alumni record is maintained by the Office of the Registrar.
If a student needs an enrollment verification on school letterhead, please send an email to the registrar with the information that you need stated in the letter.
Current students can request an unofficial copy of their Academic Record by completing and submitting a transcript request form.
If we cannot answer your questions, we will refer you to the best sources for additional assistance and information.
Contact by phone at (405) 522-7802
Contact by email at