An Introduction to the Human Body in Health and Disease – Mark Li, Ph.D.
This course provides an introduction to human biology and the science of medicine. Students explore the intricate anatomical and physiological mechanisms underlying normal human function in different organ systems, and homeostatic imbalances that cause diseases. For example, in learning about diabetes, students gain an understanding of the endocrine system. Lab work includes nerve reflexes, sensory illusions, heart auscultation, blood typing, blood pressure measurement, and structure and function of eyes (including dissections of mammalian animal eyes).
Animal Anatomy and Adaptations – Brent Richards, Ph.D.
Some are hairy, some are scaly, some are slimy. Some have legs, some have wings, some have fins or tentacles. Some are as big as a building and some are too small to see without a microscope. Animals have conquered every possible habitat on earth and they make up a crucial part of the planet’s ecosystem. But how did they get to be the way they are? How can they be so different from each other and yet share a common ancestor? We will get up-close and personal with a few representatives of the animal kingdom and study them both inside and out.
Human-Wildlife Interactions – Janette Wallis, Ph.D.
In this course, we will explore the complex relationships – both positive and negative – between humans and wildlife. Students will learn how scientists study animals in their natural habitats, using the latest high-tech methods. We will also examine how scientists deal with human-wildlife conflict, a frequent problem as the planet’s human population grows and wildlife habitats shrink. By examining case studies, students will learn how scientists are finding solutions to improve human-wildlife co-existence.
Molecules of Life – Delwar Hossain, Ph.D.
Symbolic Representation of Chemistry – Ruibo Li, Ph.D.
In this class, our study will focus on how to correctly write the symbols/formulas and names of elements, atoms, isotopes, molecules, compounds, organic molecules, and chemical reaction equations. We are also going to briefly introduce some common types of chemical reactions and carry out several chemical experiments in the chemistry lab.
Computer Science
Computer Programming Workshop – Zach Arani
Intro to Game Design and Development 101 – Jeff Price
Introduction to the tools and technology for developing 3D digital models, characters, animations, and environments to be used in real-time interactive media such as games and simulations. No previous software knowledge required. Through a guided series of video game history and projects, students will learn the basics of game design and workflow of using 3d and 2d game engine software to create video game levels other real-time applications.
Intro to Micro and Nano Electronics – Manisha Chakraburtty, Ph.D.
Fundamentals of semiconductor engineering. Start with atomic and electronic band structure and end with a brief overview of solar cell and other advanced solid state devices.
Computer Architecture and Hands-on Digital Electronics using Raspberry Pi – William Underwood, Ph.D.
Students will learn the parts of a computer by examining and assembling a Raspberry Pi, a fully functional, inexpensive, pocket-sized, computer. They will then construct several electronic circuits and program their function, either data collection or hardware control. Students will take home their own Raspberry Pi with a camera module.
Competitive Research – Sharon Jorski, M.L.Sc.
This class will teach skills and strategies for locating, evaluating, and using information resources needed to write a research paper. The class will use both traditional and online tools as well as print and digital sources. The class will include the steps to both researching and writing a research paper. An actual research paper will not be written.
Writing for Standardised Tests, Academics, and Beyond – Scott Wilkins, M.A.
This class will a crash course in academic writing for standardized tests (like the SAT and ACT), traditional academic essays, application essays, and other typical school writing. Laptops are permitted but not necessary (provided students bring paper and pens).
A Concise History of Science – Monique Baxter, M.A.
This course examines the roots of science from antiquity through the Scientific Revolution of the 17th century. Emphasis is placed on the development of major philosophies/theories, scientific advancements, and the individuals credited with establishing the historical foundations of science.
Writing for Our Rights: Music, Literature, and Protest in American History – Michelle McCargish, Ph.D.
This course will examine how songs, poems, essays, and novels have been used throughout American history to advocate for reform and as a way to rally people together in protest. Students will read or listen to excerpts from popular literature from periods such as the American Revolution, Abolition, the Progressive Era, and 1960s to examine how popular literature has been utilized as a form of criticism and protest.
American Pulse: Music, Film, & Society – Monique Baxter, M.A.
Popular music and film has an interactive history with American society. Often, the two mediums reflect the era in which they are produced. At other times, songs and films act to inform listeners and viewers of pressing societal concerns. Through this course students will learn of the songs and films that shaped America and/or were influenced by America from its early years through the 20th century.
Strange Medicine: The History of Unusual Medical Practices – Michelle McCargish, Ph.D.
This course examines a variety of unusual medical practices from tapeworm traps to Phrenology. Students will learn about practices and discuss how those practices reflect both contemporary society and larger historical and social trends.
An Introduction to Trigonometry – Sara Bodenstein, M.Div.
Learn the trigonometry basics that are necessary for the ACT and SAT exams and sometimes even contest math.
Calculus – A Gentle and Intuitive Introduction – Frank Wang, Ph.D.
Dr. Wang takes a fun and lighthearted approach to the teaching of the “big concepts” of calculus. Each day of the week he wears a different hat and delivers an interactive lecture on a facet of calculus.
Cracking the Enigma Machine – Clint Givens, Ph.D.
The efforts of the Allied codebreakers at Bletchley Park, which ultimately led to the cracking of the Germans’ Enigma Machine cipher, remain among the most thrilling chapters in the history of mathematics. We will learn how the Enigma machine worked and survey the mathematical and computational breakthroughs which allowed the Allies to eavesdrop on some of the most secret communications of the Axis military powers. (upper grades, 10-11, only).
Really, Really, Ridiculously Big Numbers – Clint Givens, Ph.D.
Oh, you thought one trillion was a “big”number? WRONG! We’re about to meet some impossibly, face-hurting colossal numbers, ones that can’t even be described without developing some serious mathematical insights along the way. Highlights include: power towers and the Ackermann function; Graham’s number; the Hydra game; Busy Beaver numbers; and the infinite tower of infinities.
Standardized Testing Strategies in Mathematics – Sara Bodenstein, M.Div.
The course presents a strategic approach to the mathematics portions of the ACT and SAT exams. It will address some of the common mathematics mistakes, as well as a brief introduction to trigonometry necessary for the tests.
Hands-on physics: From Archimedes to ??? – William Underwood, Ph.D.
In a letter dated 5 February, 1676, Sir Isaac Newton said “If I have seen further it is by standing upon the shoulders of Giants.” The giants he was referring to included Archimedes, Pythagoras, Descartes, Kepler, Galileo, and many others. In this course students will use hands-on physics experiments, along with class discussion and instructor presentations, to gain an understanding of Newtonian (classical) physics and the important ideas that pointed the way.
Other Disciplines
Abnormal Psychology – Amber Tatro, M.S.
In this course, we will study several psychological disorders as well as a short history on how abnormal behaviors have been viewed throughout history.
Career Exploration: How do I figure out what career I want? – Terry Berryman, M.S.
We will explore how to identify strengths and interests and link them to ways to research careers that are rewarding and right for you.
Creative Problem Solving – Sharon Jorski, M.L.Sc.
Creative problem solving and critical thinking skills will be used individually and in groups to solve a variety of creative challenges including problems, puzzles, games, and riddles. Utilizing project based learning, students will develop their creative skills by expressing ideas they have generated and their critical thinking skills by reasoning through logic, as well as skills that overlap the two categories.
Fundamentals of Scientific Discovery – Ben Cassidy
Theories of Personality and Methodology of Psychological Testing – Charles “Dutch” Ratliff, Ph.D.
This class will begin with a brief and basic introduction to the academic study of psychology. We will examine individual differences in personality, and the scientific basis for identifying the most informative descriptions of personality. Using personality as an example of a psychological trait, we will discuss methods for creating psychological tests, collecting data, analyzing data, and adjusting test scores to best reflect a “normal” population. We will then discuss the application of testing methodology to other types of psychological disorders.