Transcript Requests 

Anyone who enrolled as a student at the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics (OSSM) and completed at least one semester may request a copy of their OSSM transcript. A transcript is a permanent record of all courses that the student received credit for, and the final grade received in each course. Official transcripts will also include the signature of an OSSM administrator. Transcripts can be issued either directly to the student or to a third party upon written request of the student in compliance with the U.S. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. 

Note: For all students who graduated after 2025, your transcript will include your OSSM courses and grades only. Any other courses you have taken, including those from your home high school, will not appear. If you need a transcript of courses that you have taken at your previous school or any other institution (such as concurrent enrollment courses at a university), you will need to contact the registrar or counselor from that school. 

Request Process 

Current OSSM Students 

Current students may download a digital copy of their transcript in pdf format through the Infinite Campus student portal. Students may also request a paper copy of their transcript from the office of the Vice President for Academic Services. 

Parents or Guardians of Current OSSM Students 

Parents and guardians of current students may also access their student’s transcript through the Infinite Campus parent portal.  

Former OSSM Students 

Former students may download a digital copy of their transcript in pdf format from the Infinite Campus student portal for up to one year after the end of the student’s enrollment. 

To request a transcript more than one year after the end of the student’s enrollment or to request a paper transcript please use the OSSM transcript request form