Fourteen OSSM seniors have been named finalists in the 2023 Competition for National Merit Scholarships. The OSSM students are Jackson Copeland (Oklahoma City), Amanda Dai (Ardmore), AJ Jayasekar (Edmond), Janice Ku (Stillwater), Charles Liu (Stillwater), Damodar Pai (Edmond), Sourish Pasula (Edmond), Sarvesh Ramakrishnan (Edmond), Anoushka Sasikumar (Oklahoma City), Meena Seshadri (Norman), Jason Wang (Walnut, Calif.), Natalie Waters (Duncan), Brian Yang (Stillwater), and Alexander Zhao (Ardmore).
Selection as National Merit Finalists is based on several factors, including results of the SAT or ACT that confirm performance on the PSAT.
“These seniors have accomplished a great deal in their high school career,” said Edna McDuffie Manning, Ed.D., interim president of OSSM. “We congratulate them for this achievement of being among 7,000 of the nation’s most academically talented high school students.”
Approximately 16,000 semifinalists were considered by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation in the 2023 annual National Merit Scholarship program. These high school seniors now have an opportunity to compete for nearly $28 million in scholarships.