Miranda Due, a member of the Class of 2011, has one of today’s most enviable jobs in technology—video game producer with Treyarch/Activision working on the popular series, Call of Duty. She credits her success to skills she learned at OSSM—the ability and confidence to try new and challenging projects.
As a youth, Miranda discovered OSSM through the internet and was intrigued by the idea of attending a boarding school. Being an advanced science student and desiring to take more advanced classes, she knew those interests would lead to a successful high school experience at OSSM.
After graduation, much like her enrolling at OSSM, she “took a leap of faith” to attend college in Los Angeles at the University of Southern California (USC). She was confident about this endeavor because of her experience of having lived in a residential high school.
“OSSM helped me prepare for life beyond high school by building my confidence and independence,” she said. “I felt comfortable living on my own and going to classes and studying. Because of this I was able to take on more extracurriculars and leadership activities in college, which helped shape my career.”
In addition to majoring in both Interactive Media and Games and International Relations and minoring in Cinematic Arts, Miranda competed in USC’s Division I women’s rowing. She also completed the George Washington University Native American Political Leadership Program.